In 1945, shortly after the end of World War Two, the Riverport & District Fire department was formed under the sponsorship of the Riverport Board of Trade. Mr. John Lohnes was elected the first Fire Chief. At that time, we purchased a 1500 CWT truck and trailer pumper from the Canadian War Assets Corp. This equipment was kept at various locations in the area. In 1950, under Fire Chief Leo Creaser, the Department was expanded. A second-hand three ton truck was purchased on which a 500 gallon water tank was installed, along with a front-end pump. In the winter of 1950-1951, the present fire hall was constructed.
A short while later, illness forced Chief Creaser to resign his position with the Department, and he was replaced by Mr. Richard Naas, who was Deputy Chief. In February, 1953, Paul Ritcey was elected Chief and filled the position until February, 1973 - a period of twenty years. Mr. John Leary was then elected Chief. However, after one year he was forced to resign when his job made it impossible to be available in the area. In February, 1975, Goodwin Zinck , was elected to the position.
In 1962, we sold the original three ton truck and purchased a new one with a tank, pump and equipment. We eventually sold our old army truck and trailer and purchased a panel van type truck, enabling us to transport firefighters and equipment under cover from weather.